Cognitive Assessments

Engage 1on1 Psychology offer a range of cognitive and educational assessments to provide valuable information for you and your child. Prior to assessing children, our psychologists meet with parents to gain a thorough background history on your child’s developmental history.

A cognitive assessment provides insight into a person’s cognitive functioning across five primary index scores – Verbal Comprehension Index, Visual Spatial Index, Fluid Reasoning Index, Working Memory Index, and Processing Speed Index. These indices represent a child’s abilities in discrete cognitive domains as compared with same aged peers. Completing a cognitive assessment creates a profile of a person’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses, and is useful for gaining insight into an individual’s learning.

Your child may benefit from a cognitive assessment if you wish to gain some initial information regarding your child’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses, have concerns that your child may be experiencing an intellectual disability, or to identify preferred learning styles.

Cognitive assessment results can be used to:

  • Support school funding applications
  • Identify factors that may impact a student’s learning within the classroom which can be used to develop individualised learning plans
  • Help with investigating the presence of intellectual disabilities or giftedness.

The WISC-V has been designed to provide a comprehensive picture of a child’s abilities and is used for diverse applications such as:

  • identifying intellectual disabilities,
  • identifying and diagnosing learning disabilities/disorders,
  • evaluating of cognitive processing strengths and weaknesses,
  • assessing for giftedness, and
  • assessing the impact of brain injuries

The WPPSI–IV A&NZ is an innovative measure of cognitive development for pre-schoolers and young children that’s rooted in contemporary theory and research. This edition also places a strong emphasis on child-friendly, developmentally appropriate features, and includes new processing speed tasks, the addition of working memory subtests and an expanded factor structure.

The WAIS-IV A&NZ Language Adapted Edition is the industry standard test to measure adult intelligence. The WAIS-IV provides trusted results and the most advanced measure of cognitive ability.

Cognitive assessments available: WISC-V (6 years – 16 years 11 months); WPPSI-IV (2 years 6 months – 7 years 7 months); WAIS-IV (16 years – 90 years 11 months

Cognitive Assessment Process (Note hours may vary on case by case basis)

Session 1: Intake, including developmental and educational history (e.g 2-3 hours)

Session 2: Assessment 1 (eg. between 1.5 – 2 hours)

Session 3: Feedback of report (e.g 1 hour)


Academic Achievement Assessment

An academic achievement assessment measures ability across multiple academic areas including reading, writing, mathematics, oral expression and listening comprehension. It is usually conducted in conjunction with a cognitive assessment to provide a comprehensive educational assessment.

Academic Achievement assessment results can be used to:

  • Provide insight into academic strengths and weaknesses, helping in planning intervention and support for identified difficulties.
  • Investigate the presence of a specific learning disorder, and to assist in the development of individual learning plans and targeted learning interventions.

Achievement assessment available: WIAT-III (4 years – 50 years)

Academic Assessment Process only (Note hours may vary on case by case basis)

Session 1: Intake, including developmental and educational history (eg. 2-3 hours)

Session 2: Assessment 1 (eg. between 1.5 – 2 hours)

Session 3: Feedback of report (eg. 1 hour)

Cognitive Assessment and Academic Assessment Process combined (Note hours may vary on case by case basis)

Session 1: Intake, including developmental and educational history (eg 2-3 hours)

Session 2: Assessment 1 (eg. between 1.5 – 2 hours)

Session 3: Assessment 2 (eg. between 2 – 2.5 hours)

Session 4: Feedback of report (eg 1 hour)


ADD/ADHD Assessment

Provides a thorough assessment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and its most common comorbid problems and disorders in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years.  It is a multi-informant assessment that takes into account home, social and school settings, with rating forms for parents, teachers and youth.

Key Features:

The ADD/ADHD assessment results can be used to:

  • Develop informed intervention and treatment strategies by identifying specific challenge areas to work on
  • Monitor response to intervention and its effectiveness with detailed progress reports
  • Assess common comorbid disorders (Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder) to assist with differential diagnosis
  • Discover how ADHD symptoms are affecting the youth by looking at impairment items which indicate functioning in home, school and social settings

Achievement assessment available: Connors 3 (6 years – 18 years)

ADD/ADHD Assessment Process (Note hours may vary on case by case basis)

Pre-Session: 1–1.5 week prior to initial consultation, relevant questionnaires (e.g. Connors 3, adaptive behaviour/executive functioning questionnaires) will be sent to parents, teachers, and interviewing teachers

Session 1:     Intake, including gathering of background information and follow-up on questionnaires sent previously; if learning or academic difficulties are present during the initial consultation, an educational and cognitive

assessment may be suggested to supplement the assessment (eg. 1-1.5 hours)

Session 2:    Assessment of Attention (Tea-CH 2) (eg. 35-55 minutes, depending on age)

Session 3:    Feedback of results and report (eg. 1 hour)



Assessment Name Total cost to client ($)
WISC-V (Cognitive assessment – 6 years – 16 years 11 months)* $1,200 – $1,400
WPPSI-IV (Cognitive assessment – 2 years 6 months – 7 years 7 months) $1,200 – $1,400
WAIS-IV (Cognitive assessment – 16 years – 90 years 11 months)* $1,200 – $1,400
WIAT-III (Academic assessment e.g. diagnosing Specific learning disorders) $900 – $1,100
WISC-V or WPPSI-IV plus WIAT-III (Academic assessment e.g. diagnosing Specific learning disorders) $1,600 – $1,800
Connors 3 (ADD/ADHD – 6 years – 18 years) $900 – $1,100

* Can be also undertaken by a Supervised Provisional Psychologist @ 40% of fee